Understand Defence environments
Accessibility across Defence
In Defence environments, accessibility needs can be permanent, temporary or situational.
Consider people working in the deployed space, for example military units working away from their permanent base.
There are also many people in the operational space, supporting military operations and exercises.
People working in Defence can have issues including:
- devices with limited battery power
- low to no 3G and 4G, for example on ships
- not being able to use 2-factor authentication
- wearing restrictive kit, such as thick gloves
Consider the battlespaces
You might need to consider accessibility issues in battle environments, including:
- low light, red light or no light
- very noisy environments or the need for silence
- difficult outdoor conditions, such as wet screens
- high-stress and high-risk scenarios
- temperatures below freezing or extreme heat and sunlight
- extreme fatigue
Published November 2022