Choosing tools for Defence

Before buying or building a new tool, you need to check things like:

  • what tasks people are trying to do
  • if they can use an existing tool
  • how sustainable a new tool is

Follow the Enterprise Tooling Principles

Use these high-level principles to help you choose the right tools for Defence. If you supply tools to Defence, check what we look for.

1. Think services not applications

When you buy or build a tool, think about it as a service rather than an application.

Thinking of applications as services, helps you:

  • define what people need to do
  • find more users who can use the tool
  • reduce the number of tools that do the same thing

For example, the MyHR service is a collection of tools for people working in the Ministry of Defence. MyHR can be used by other organisations.

2. Select tools based on user needs

Consider what people will use a tool for. Ask potential users about the tasks they need to do and the problems they are having.

Understanding your user’s needs helps you define the requirements for a tool. You will also make better decisions for Defence.

If you can, work with a user researcher.

You can also join the user centred design community.

3. Check existing tools

Before you buy or build a new tool for Defence, you need to:

  • understand all of the requirements
  • check what tools exist that can meet your requirements
  • reuse existing tools when you can
  • consider how it will be supported

By considering existing tools, you can reduce:

  • cost
  • complexity
  • resources needed

On MODNET, search for and check the Defence Application Register.

4. Be sustainable

All UK Government departments need to reduce the energy they use and the waste they create.

By reusing existing tools, you help Defence to:

  • have fewer tools that do the same thing
  • reduce energy consumption and costs
  • make the most of existing licences

If you buy a tool that is similar to an existing one, it is harder for Defence to meet our sustainability targets.

Instead of replacing a tool, check if you can configure or upgrade the existing one.

Check the opens in a new tabGOV.UK ICT greening strategy.

5. Use existing agreements and licences

Defence has enterprise agreements with many suppliers. Before buying a tool, you must ask the Defence Digital licencing team which agreements and licences are already in place.

By buying tools under existing agreements, you can:

  • avoid unnecessary costs for Defence
  • reduce the risk of failure
  • be more confident that a tool is supported through-life

If you work in the Ministry of Defence, you can contact the Defence Digital licencing team (opens in a new tab).

6. Start with commercial off-the-shelf options

Always consider commercial off-the-shelf tools before buying or building something bespoke. This can reduce costs and time taken to build new tools.

Commercial products can provide a good level of development and support. They are usually proven, reliable and supported.

As a customer, Defence can ask suppliers to put our requirements on their roadmap and backlogs.

You can check the Ministry of Defence procurement process (opens in a new tab).

7. Make sure tools are fully documented

All teams building or buying tools for Defence are expected to create and maintain documentation.

By providing up-to-date documentation, you make it easier for others to:

  • manage, update or retire a tool
  • understand the impact of changes
  • compare tools across Defence

On MODNET, search for Defence technical documentation guidance.

You can find more guidance on GOV.UK (opens in a new tab).

8. Use existing APIs

Before creating a new API, check if you can use an existing one. You can consider internal private APIs or external public ones.

By using existing APIs, you can reduce costs and effort. You can also shorten the time it takes to deliver new tools to users.

On MODNET, search for and check the API catalogue for Defence

9. Configure a tool, don’t customise it

Customising a tool usually means changing the code. This is slow and expensive. It also makes it harder to move to a different tool in the future.

Configuring a tool means using existing features to meet the needs of your users. This can help you deliver more quickly and reduce costs.

When you buy or build a tool, you need to:

  • make sure it is easy to configure
  • ensure configuration changes are documented
  • consider how the tool works with our data and APIs

10. Keep user interfaces browser based

When you buy or build a tool, where possible make sure the user interface is browser based.

By using existing browser interfaces, you can:

  • make services that are easy to use
  • more easily meet accessibility regulations
  • reduce the cost of releasing and maintaining software
  • reduce the need for training

Check how to design for different browsers and devices (opens in a new tab).

To check you are meeting these principles, use the Enterprise Tooling Strategy Principles (opens in a new tab).

Updated March 2024