
Do the right thing in Defence

When you meet with users and stakeholders, you are expected to do so ethically.

Why ethics are important

Ethics includes things like:

  • approaching people in the right way
  • representing peoples’ views correctly
  • dealing with sensitive issues

You need to be ethical when you do user research with members of the public or people in Defence.

You should also consider ethics when meeting with stakeholders, presenting your service and running workshops.

Case study

During discovery, the Army’s Land Deployed Applications team dealt with a range of ethical issues. They had to manage conflicts of interest, respect the chain of command and handle sensitive issues.

Find out moreabout what the Army’s Land Deployed Applications team did

Help with ethical issues

If you have an ethical concern related to someone in the military, do not raise it directly with their superior.

Discuss your concerns confidentially with your delivery lead or product owner. If they are unsure, raise it confidentially with your Head of Profession.

Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee

The Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee (MODREC) ensures that all research involving human participants in Defence meets nationally and internationally accepted ethical standards.

Find out more about MODREC.

Updated March 2023