Keep your team safe and well
Everyone needs to think about how to keep themselves and colleagues safe.
Get the right people involved
If a team member’s personal beliefs conflict with what you’re discussing, send someone else or take steps to reduce bias.
When testing your service, ask an experienced user researcher to lead on this work. They can support team members with less experience.
Make sure everyone has the right level of security clearance and understands how we manage information in Defence.
Find out more about security classifications.
Stay safe on site
Some Ministry of Defence sites can be dangerous for people who are not familiar with them.
You should not visit barracks, ships or field sites on your own. Go with at least one other person from your team. You will also need a military sponsor to help with your visit.
If you plan to observe military hardware in use, be aware of all safety protocols and wear protective clothing if necessary. Remember not to take photos without permission.
Deal with sensitive issues
When talking to people in Defence, you might hear things of a sensitive nature. This can be something related to an individual or to general security.
If you uncover information which poses a risk to an individual or group of people, get advice from your Head of Profession. Keep the details confidential and on a need to know basis.
When you know you will be discussing sensitive issues, find out if there are relevant support groups or resources that you can share with users.
Published February 2023