Service assessments

Check the code of conduct

You are expected to give feedback in a kind and respectful way.

If you do not follow this code of conduct, you might be asked to leave a session.

Asking for feedback

Everyone on the panel is there to help but they do not know your service as well as you do.

Set the context

Tell the story of your service. Start with what your service does, who your users are and what they are trying to do. Remember to stick to the time you have been given.

Say what kind of feedback you want

Tell people what you want to find out. For example, if there are existing patterns you can reuse or how close you are to meeting the GOV.UK Service Standard.

Do not be defensive

Feedback is about your service, not you. Avoid deflecting questions, it is okay to say that you are not sure. Take notes so that you do not need to respond to every point.

Giving feedback

As a panel member, you need to give feedback that is honest and actionable — in a kind and respectful way.

As an observer do not give any feedback, keep your camera off and stay on mute.

Give specific and actionable feedback

All feedback should be constructive. Include details of what you are thinking, what you would change and why. Avoid phrases like “I don’t like it” or “That never works”.

Be kind and respectful

You can be honest and specific without using hurtful or aggressive language. Start sentences with phrases like “Have you considered”, “You might like to try” or “Think about”.

Keep an open mind

Everyone has different experiences and opinions. Remember that your feedback is just one perspective. Be willing to consider feedback that differs from your own.

Be present

The team presenting their service deserves your full attention. Try not to be distracted by other work. In remote sessions, have your camera on and show that you are actively listening.

Published June 2023